Tuesday, April 8, 2014

World Transformation

World Transformation was a colossal event that was unintentionally triggered by slashing the Sword of Resonance, which bends space-time, causing the Astral plane to overlap with material world, unleashing mythical creatures and beasts.

Everyone in the world felt basked in a bright, warm light, waking up to hydras, dragons and other horrors wreaking havoc on the world.

a giant appears

a hydra

trolls and a headless horseman

From the gigantic body of the apostle Gunka, who got hit by the Sword of Resonance while reincarnated as Shiva, rose Falconia, Griffith's great city.

Falconia rising from the ground

Wing Stones, as people call them, protect Falconia from the mythical creatures

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